Monday, April 13, 2009

Only time will tell

So I guess I over reacted yesterday. My friend wasn't ignoring me, he was just busy. I can understand that now but before I just let my emotions get the best of me and could only think that he must be avoiding me, that he only said he wanted to see me because he knew he wouldn't have to. I need to work on my whole self esteem issues in that area. I mean he said he wanted to hang out so why wouldn't it be that there was a good reason that we didn't. He was really sweet about it too and seemed genuinely sorry that we couldn't see each other. I think I just worried so much b/c I'm starting to like him a lot and that scares me. I just want him to like me too. It's stupid to worry about this stuff now because I'm not going to be able to see him for a long time. I don't know why I had to start liking him now but it's really bad timing. I guess I'll just hope for the best and see where it goes. I remember liking him in high school for a little while too...maybe that's why it seems like I like him already now. Maybe those feeling never left completely and I just brought them to the surface. This whole online flirtation thing is never good. Things can be taken out of context online and stuff you wouldn't normally say, you do. Maybe I don't even like him at all? Hmm...only time will tell I suppose.

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